Dog Adoption Information
Angels adoptions programs are a great way to get a pet. Our health care package costs us between $350 - $700 depending on the given situation and is made possible only by donations of time by loving volunteers and the wonderful service of our shelter veterinarians with assistance from local veterinarians. An adoption fee is required when adopting an Angels' animal, which covers part of our costs for the animal care.
Just Checking In
Angels does follow-up checks on our adopted animals to ensure that their owners are abiding by their contract and that the animals are happy and healthy. These follow ups may include phone calls and home visits. All of our adopted pets have a lifetime right of return.
Most of our cats and dogs are ready to go home the day of adoption but some may need a medical exam and checkup before they leave. If you are traveling from a great distance, please call or e-mail our dog manager to see about same day adoptions.
Adoption Fees & Health Care
Puppies Start at $325 (0-6 months)*
Dogs Start at $300 (6-12 months old)*
Dogs Start at $275 (12 months old & up)*
Weigh less than 20 lbs.
Dogs Start at $225 (12 months old & up)*
Weigh more than 20 lbs.
* A $50 refundable training class fee is included in the price of our puppies. See an adopter at time of adoption for our current list of trainers.
All dogs and puppies receive the following health care package:
Spay & Neuter
Age appropriate treatments of
Combination vaccination of canine distemper virus, adenovirus type 2, Leptosprirosus, Canine Parainfluenza, Parvo virus, Corona virus
Bordatella Vaccine
Rabies Vaccine (If pup is 3 months or older at time of adoption)
Heartworm prevention
Routine Deworming
Topical Flea Treatment
Heartworm Test
Ears Cleaned
Nails Trimmed
Pet Care Package & Contract with Health Record
Microchip Identification
DISCLAIMER: It is the responsibility of the owner to follow up with a veterinarian of their choice at their expense for any boosters required after the date of adoption.​​​​​