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Angels for Animals


Spay & Neuter

One of the most beneficial services we offer at Angels for Animals is a very affordable Spay/Neuter procedures.  Spaying a female prevents mammary, cancer of the uterus, ovarian cancer, along with pyometra.  Neutering males prevents testicular cancer.  "Fixing" pets ends many of the male instincts to mark their territory or behave aggressively.  Our beautiful facility offers a great place to have the procedure done with the care needed at an affordable price.


Cost, Special Programs
& Sponsors

Our prices are very affordable because of donors who help cover the cost.  Because of over-population, many animals are born unwanted, homeless, or abandoned.  Spaying & neutering helps prevent this needless problem.  Since this is part of our mission, we want our prices for spaying and neutering to be affordable to prevent unwanted puppies and kittens from being born into a life without a home.

Angels for Animals offers specials during the year to help with the financial burden of neutering or spaying cats.  Donors also give money to help individuals that may need financial assistance.  Become a part of the solution and donate to one of our special spay & neuter programs.  


Special Spay/Neuter Programs

Special Programs for Cats/Kittens or Dogs are made possible by special funding from events and generous donors.  If you would like to donate to one of these special programs, you may contact our office at 330-549-1111, PRESS #5 or donate online by clicking the button above to see your donation options.

Dog Spay & Neuters are back ! 
Schedule your appointment today!

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Cat Programs:   
         Sherry - Extension - 121
Dog Programs:
     John - Extension - 106

Contact Robin - Extension 146

330-549-1111  Press 5

End of Life Services

Call 330-549-1111, Press #1
or contact Diane Less at 330-502-5352

Cremation/End of Life Services

Contact Diane: 330-502-5352

Become Our Bestie!

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Angels for Animals Veterinary Care & Shelter

©2021 by Kimberly Moff, Angels for Animals created with

Animal Shelter

Business Office/Andrews Hall Rental/Charity Options
Retail & Gift Shop

4750 West South Range Rd

Canfield, OH 44406

Angel Wing Veterinary Care & Services

330-549-1111  Press 1

Spay & Neuter

330-549-1111  Press 2

Stray or Abandoned Animal Intake

330-549-1111  Press 1

Contact Cindy: 330-651-4666



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